Thursday, June 23, 2011

Late Southern Song.... awesome sound late in the evening or at night...the Chuck-will’s-widow (also called a Whip-poor-will although a Whip-poor-will is a similar but different bird) is found mostly in the Southeast.  They will often sit on the sides of roads or paths at night and sing for hours.  The bird's song has been referred to in countless songs for decades...I recorded this one from my mom's back porch later in the evening, in fact you can hear other birds still singing as well...the Chuck-will’s-widow's song is a southern favorite and is the one of the few songs still heard on a summer night after all the daytime birds have turned in for the night.... 

....and here's Chuck himself...although not my pic....serious camo....uh?....

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I agree!!! Unless you can't go to sleep listening to the same sound repeated over and over and over and!
