Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fish daycare...

..caught this large mouth bass in the smaller of two ponds on my mom's property this past Spring...she was happy to be released back into the pond to continue raising her babies (which I spotted moving the water when I reached the bank, so I knew the big momma would be nearby) dad however, was pretty disturbed about my letting such a big fish go...I figured she's got a an important job to do...raise more big fish to bend my rod when I visit home in the coming wasn't buying it.....

...the larger of the two ponds...later I noticed, after zooming in on this pic, you can barely make out a brown, horizontal object in the water and in the distance.  Since there are no logs or trees in the middle of this pond, it must be the resident alligator.  We see him brother and his wife saw several babies and had one little gator swim right by them...don't think my bro will be wading in this pond much more....

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